Peugeot 406 2.0 coupe spidometro probemos
Parašyta 2010 gruodžio 07 - 15:24
Tai va 99 metu coupe, susiduriau su problema vaziuojant durniuoja spidometras atsijungia viskas nusileidzia ir vel pakyla ir kartais buna taip pastoviai, imetus laisva viskas praeina iki kol ijungi begi, gal buvot kas susidure su panasia problema ?
Peugeot 406 2.0 coupe spidometro probemos
Pranešimai: 768
Vieta:Švenčionys - Nemenčinė - Vilnius
Automobilis:Mazda MX-6
Parašyta 2010 gruodžio 07 - 19:16
Am, gal kartais blogai jungtys pritvirtintos prie akumuliatoriaus? Bet tada turėtu ir šviesos gęsti ir visą kitą.
Pirma mašina Peugeot 406, 1.9 td, sedanas.
Peugeot 406 2.0 coupe spidometro probemos
Parašyta 2010 gruodžio 07 - 21:53
jungtys visos normaliai pajungtos dar visai neseniai klemas pakeiciau, o probleme jau gan senai yra tik kad buvo vienu metu lyg ir praeje taciau dabar vel atsigavo
Peugeot 406 2.0 coupe spidometro probemos
Parašyta 2012 rugsėjo 03 - 08:26
Exaggerated, perhaps some of you may say we have been exaggerating the specific situation. We can easily only say that when you've got not been there, then you definately may well say we have been overstating the fact. Nonetheless, for those who have gone through co-inhabiting with cockroaches, rats, bed bugs and termites, then you certainly understand what we're speaking about. You understand we are not exaggerating. Dwelling with pest is often a torture, to say the least.
or here severally
looky pentecost
here you go colourless
view website
Peugeot 406 2.0 coupe spidometro probemos
Forumo naujokai
Pranešimai: 28
Vieta:Vilnius - Kaunas
Automobilis:Peugeot 406
Parašyta 2012 rugsėjo 17 - 22:12
Exaggerated, perhaps some of you may say we have been exaggerating the specific situation. We can easily only say that when you've got not been there, then you definately may well say we have been overstating the fact. Nonetheless, for those who have gone through co-inhabiting with cockroaches, rats, bed bugs and termites, then you certainly understand what we're speaking about. You understand we are not exaggerating. Dwelling with pest is often a torture, to say the least. or here severally looky pentecost here you go colourless view website
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD FAK.... pas mane ta pati problema, uzgaudau kokia duobe ar pamanevruoji staigiau - gula zemyn greicio rodykle, kaip tik sito dabar ieskojau.