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Member Since 2012 Oct 22
Offline Last Active 2012 Dec 12 20:46

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Akumuliatoriaus indikatorius

2012 October 22 - 16:40

Sveiki. turiu peugeot 607 2.2hdi 2005m. Akumuliatorius sveikas. krovimas 14,5 V . tas akumuliatorius bagazinei pasirode didokas. i ji krovimas nzn ar turi ateit ar ne. Bet uzvedus automobili buna 12.2V ir po truputi kyla. ilgiau palaikius iki 12.6V ir pan pakyla. Beda tokia kad ant skydelio ismeta lempute akumuliatoriaus. O tam ekraneli kur centrinei konsoliei ismeta baterry low. Praskambinau beveik visus laidus susijusius su generatorium ir akumu ir nerandu kame defektas ? gal i ta papildoma akuma bagazinei per mazai ateina ?. Dar pastebejimas, labai greit automobilis "uzmiega". Buna degima ijungi. 10sec ir uzmiega. Isgooglinau kad akumo klemos nekontaktuoja, viska isvaliau, vistiek tas pats. Dekingas uz pagalba.

Uzsienio forume radau tokia pacia beda, gal bus parasyta suprantamiau

I intermittently have the same problem. About 2 weeks ago, I parked the car, after a longish run, locked it as I walked away and the alarm went off. The remote wouldn't stop the alarm. Eventually I opened the car, started the engine and the remote then worked. I found that the date/time had reset to 0000 although the trip meters both on the dashboard and the computer screen had stayed as they were.
I drove the car with no further problems over the last 2 weeks until yesterday. Same thing again, but when I started car I had 'low battery' warning and esp/asr. The button to turn off the esp was flashing and would not respond to being pressed. I drove home, nearly 3 hours and the warnings stayed there and I found that although the cruise control turned on and off, it wouldn't function. The car would not accelerate with it and it would not hold the speed. I started the car this morning, again the time/date were at 0000 (I did not risk locking the car) and the boot would not open. The radio and telephone were turned off, but I've had no 'low battery 'warning today and no esp/asr warning. At first when I drove it this morning the cruise control did not work, but the second time I took it out, no problems. I have tested the two batteries. The starter battery gives 12.6V with the car not running and just over 14 with the engine running. The service battery gives 12.7V and 14.1 respectively. I can't see any loose wires/connectors anywhere... C[QUOTE]