leisciau viena kiausini nupjauti uz toki autoparka...
bet tai varpa as dejau ir zemem uzariau kokie egzemplioriai ohmy.gif
drool.gif wacko.gif blink.gif

Parašyta 2011 spalio 27 - 05:37
leisciau viena kiausini nupjauti uz toki autoparka...
bet tai varpa as dejau ir zemem uzariau kokie egzemplioriai ohmy.gif
drool.gif wacko.gif blink.gif
Parašyta 2011 lapkričio 03 - 08:34
Parašyta 2011 lapkričio 03 - 08:51
Parašyta 2011 lapkričio 27 - 12:22
It was Dino that once said "Pug is a drug" but I for one disagree with that statement.
I believe that Pug is actually a disease, one that starts off benign with no symptoms, but almost without you realising, it builds up into a debilitating condition, robbing you of a life that the majority of the population would consider to be normal.
It starts when someone buys a 205, and starts looking into how to fix common problems and into ways to modify and improve the car. All perfectly normal at this point, but all too often the warning signs of a more serious condition are there, with excess time spent on the forum and bringing 205's into conversation with people completely uninterested in cars. It quickly gets worse, with people accumilating an ever growing pile of parts and rapidly running out of space to store it all. Denial is typically strong at this stage, with excuses like "I'm buying parts to keep as spares to be able to fix the car when it breaks"
Spare parts eventually end up being joined by another 205, this time a "project". Typically, partners or family begin to despair at this point, especially when they find the dishwasher being used as a parts cleaner for an engine block. By this stage, you're usually more adept at using Servicebox than the parts department of your local Peugeot dealer, and chances are that that you've probably got some kind of Peugeot related clothing or artwork/pictures in your house, a house that more often than not starts to have car parts as a permentant fixture.
By the time the end is nigh, you've not just lost track of what spares you have, but lost track of what cars you own and where they're all parked. Your garden and driveway look like a scrapyard, and your hands are perma-stained with oil and covered in scars, your knuckles never to be right ever against after slipping with a ratchet one too many times.
Parašyta 2011 lapkričio 27 - 14:59
Tolimom mirktelt reikejo, zmogus gal su dukra vaziavo, tai kur skubet...a vat klausimas.. kas su juo daba vazhineja.. antra juosta ir letai letai..
Šį pranešimą redagavo Edis_Vln: 2011 lapkričio 27 - 15:13
Svarbu TARPINE tarp sedines ir vairo, o ne ASILAI po kapotu ........ ))
Pastoviai ardau Peugeot 205 dalimis.....
Pastoviai ardau Peugeot 309 dalimis.....
Pastoviai ardau Peugeot 405 dalimis.....
Parduodu Peugeot 205 CTI 88m.
Parduodu Peugeot 205 1.9Automatic 90m.
Ratu montavimas, balansavimas
Vilnius, Santariskiu raj. +37064523563
Parašyta 2011 gruodžio 12 - 02:52
Parašyta 2012 sausio 15 - 13:59
Peugeot 205 VTS - Juodulys
Parašyta 2012 sausio 15 - 15:59
Parašyta 2012 sausio 17 - 14:04
Parašyta 2012 sausio 20 - 08:39
nu be taves gere ir tiek....kas? kur?
Parašyta 2012 kovo 26 - 15:20
Parašyta 2012 balandžio 11 - 15:44
Parašyta 2012 balandžio 14 - 14:15
Parašyta 2012 balandžio 14 - 20:47
Parašyta 2012 balandžio 14 - 20:48
stilius tokskas jam su dazais?
Parašyta 2012 balandžio 14 - 21:32
Parašyta 2012 balandžio 14 - 23:30
Stopai, tau bele prisiknist?1.6 stabdziai prieky
Siaip baisus
Parašyta 2012 balandžio 15 - 08:36
tai 1.6 stabdziu pavirsiaus plotas kaip ir didesnis, tik mes ju nededam del to kad juos gerokai sunkiau atvesti i normalu darbini stovi:P1.6 stabdziai prieky
Siaip baisus
Parašyta 2012 balandžio 15 - 11:56
Svarbu TARPINE tarp sedines ir vairo, o ne ASILAI po kapotu ........ ))
Pastoviai ardau Peugeot 205 dalimis.....
Pastoviai ardau Peugeot 309 dalimis.....
Pastoviai ardau Peugeot 405 dalimis.....
Parduodu Peugeot 205 CTI 88m.
Parduodu Peugeot 205 1.9Automatic 90m.
Ratu montavimas, balansavimas
Vilnius, Santariskiu raj. +37064523563
Parašyta 2012 balandžio 15 - 15:04
narių: 0, svečių: 1, slaptų narių: 0