306 Peciukas
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 07 - 11:59

Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 07 - 12:10
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 07 - 12:40
Ytariu kad jo nera, nes manau ne ta komforto kalsepirmiausia paziurek ar nera salono filtro. jei yra - isimk ar pasikeisk.

O siaip tai kur jo reikeru ieskoti ???
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 07 - 13:03
gal ir nera, tik panasiai mano 405-tam buvo - ventiliatorius ant max, o pucia vos vos - filtra isemus normaliai dabar.Ytariu kad jo nera, nes manau ne ta komforto kalse
O siaip tai kur jo reikeru ieskoti ???
filtras turetu buti ten kur oro paemimas - greiciausiai po grotelemis ties valytuvais, keleivio puseje.
jei nera filtro, tai gal siaip lapu kokiu prisirinkes ventiliatorius.
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 07 - 13:53
Ha ...gal ir nera, tik panasiai mano 405-tam buvo - ventiliatorius ant max, o pucia vos vos - filtra isemus normaliai dabar.Ytariu kad jo nera, nes manau ne ta komforto kalse
O siaip tai kur jo reikeru ieskoti ???
filtras turetu buti ten kur oro paemimas - greiciausiai po grotelemis ties valytuvais, keleivio puseje.
jei nera filtro, tai gal siaip lapu kokiu prisirinkes ventiliatorius.

Ten buvo kolgotke uzmauta, bet ji jau seniai isimta ir efekto kaip ir nepastebeta.
O gal variantas, kad jei peciukas rasoja(praleidzia kazkiek) tai ir puciant dregna ora ant lango jis del to ir ne sauseja???

Nes kvapo antifryzo nors ir minimaliai, bet karts nuo karto pasijaucia salone, o skystis po bisky dinksta.
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 07 - 14:41
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 07 - 16:23
Nu ten to skyscio dingsta, bet neypatingai. Per viena nuorinimo taska matosi praleidimas. O kas pora savaiciu tai apie 0.3 litro reikia inpilt.Kalgotkė buvo užmauta tam, kad neprieitų į saloną visokių smulkių nuo beržų ar kitų medžių kaip būna sėklos tokios. Antifrizo dingimo kaip ir nepastebėdavau, kvapo salone šiek tiek, langus nupūtinėdavo sunkiai, bet ardyti neapsiėmiau, nes važinėti ėjo, o pečiaus keitimas gręsia panelės pilnu nuėmimu, pats pečius gi nebrangus - naujas 100 LTL kažkur sukasi.
O paneles ardymui ir noriu pasiryzt. Nes kazkaip nekomfortas daba kai uzrasoja viskas tiomnai

Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 07 - 18:24
Na man taip nebuvo, kad baisiai rasotų, bet kad rasojo tai faktas. Tik nepatogumo tiek nebuvo, kad panelę ardyt. Bet savaitgalis lyg ir ne šaltas nusimato, tad gal palanki proga...Nu ten to skyscio dingsta, bet neypatingai. Per viena nuorinimo taska matosi praleidimas. O kas pora savaiciu tai apie 0.3 litro reikia inpilt.
O paneles ardymui ir noriu pasiryzt. Nes kazkaip nekomfortas daba kai uzrasoja viskas tiomnai![]()
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 07 - 18:35
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 07 - 21:03
vo, vo. as irgi manau kad kazka panasaus rasciau.tik neskubek is anksto naujo peciuko pirkti.
greiciausiai tik per sudurima praleidineja, kur vamzdukas i peciuka jungiasi. ten tik tarines gumines pakeist ir fsio.
mano 309-tam uzteko tas gumytes pakeist ir issluostyt antifriza, kuris viduj pritekejes buvo, taip pat pamenu keli forumiecai apie 605-to tokius pat remontus rase.
O del to rasojimo tai zeuriai rasoja tik kai normaliai lyja. siandien pvz visai pakenciamai jau buvo nors oras tikrai dregnokas.
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 08 - 10:34
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 08 - 13:01
Del variklio tai tokie reikalai:O ten su varikliu bandei keisti kažkokį daviklį, ar ne?
Nedirba ACAV sistema. Priezastys: 1. Trukusi viena vakumo diafragma (srote ~ 30-50 Lt, bet niekur nerandu) 2. neveike elektromagnetinis voztuvelis, kuris valdo abi diafragmas.
Labai ytariu kad ta lempute kur tau uzsideginedavo (man dar nebuvo) degdavo butent det to kad nedirbo ACAV sistema.
cia apie ta ACAv sistema:
306 s16 ACAV (Acoustically Variable Air intake system) Manifold System Page Hits: 257
The inlet manifold was tested and developed on the original 405 t16 rally cars. There is a general myth by everyone that doesn’t understand this system that it's very complex and is always braking down. Well after looking in to it I can say it’s a very simple system to use with very few parts that can actually go wrong.
The system consists of a few parts.
Vacuum Diaphragms
On either end of the inlet manifold are the vacuum diaphragms (see the pic below) these are what normally go wrong. Either by the internals braking or the lug that the air pipe fits on to gets broken off, in the pic you can see there is black sealant around my pipe, I was advised to do this by Skip Browns. It’s a trick they used when they prepped these cars for rallying and it's purely black sealant. smeared around the joint to seal it and give it sum support. You will find with these pipe stubs they are very delicate and it doesn’t take much to snap them off. The cost for a new one is £45 plus VAT from Peugeot main dealers only.
The Pipes
The pipe work on these is all over the place. Some run from each of the chambers to a T-piece and then down to the solenoid, one runs from the solenoid down to the inlet manifold and works the manifold pressure. The third disappears towards the rear bulk head.
The Solenoid
Positioned on the passenger side of the engine block it has the three pipes above connected on to it and an electrical connector.
Fault Fiding & Diagnosis
If the car feels very sluggish to accelerate low down and then REALLY picks up from around 4000rpm then the first place to look to solve problems is the AVAC system.
With the engine running and the bonnet open, look at the metal rods attached to the lever and rod on the vacuum chambers then rev the engine, if the rod moves as the revs rise and fall then its working ok. Check this on both ends of the head. If the levers and rods don’t fall then you have a problem.
To Fault Find
Disconnect one of the pipes from the chamber and with the engine still running, put your thumb over the end of the pipe and rev the engine again. If you feel a suck on your thumb then the solenoid and pipe work is ok, so it’s the internals of the vacuum chambers that have gone wrong.
If you don’t have any suck then you need to trace back along the pipe work and make sure there are no splits in the pipe and that all the connections are ok. This points to the solenoid not working, make sure the connector on it is on. If it is then a new one is required again this is a Peugeot only part.
Setting Up
A fault I found on mine was the valves weren’t fully closing when the tract switch was made. To rectify this problem you need to adjust the rods that connect the chambers to the levers. These are on a screw thread and you need to adjust them so that when the car is at idle the valves are fully closed.
Be very careful, the plastic ends are very fragile and cost nearly £20 for the new rod from Peugeot, I learnt the hard way.
If all this is done correctly and the car is in good health you should when driving notice hardly any KICK at 4000rpm but instead should have a fairly smooth power band all the way through.
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 08 - 13:09
Pirk ant dalių ;)Del variklio tai tokie reikalai:
Nedirba ACAV sistema. Priezastys: 1. Trukusi viena vakumo diafragma (srote ~ 30-50 Lt, bet niekur nerandu) ...
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 08 - 15:27
Nu man uztektu nusipypyt ta diafgragmaPirk ant dalių ;)Del variklio tai tokie reikalai:
Nedirba ACAV sistema. Priezastys: 1. Trukusi viena vakumo diafragma (srote ~ 30-50 Lt, bet niekur nerandu) ...

Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 14 - 13:13

Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 19 - 22:38

Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 24 - 14:57
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 24 - 15:47
skambyk i serviza Pvz. Mehary ir suzinosi!O kiek kainuotu pakeisti stabdžių žarneles (visas) 306 pugiui?m?
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 24 - 18:48
PEUGEOT e2008 GT Pack
Bez pežo, žyzn gavno.
Parašyta 2006 lapkričio 28 - 13:18
cia klausimas ar konstatavimas ???306 nebuvo salono filtro
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